Our Mi8 drilling machine is this time the protagonist of a cathodic protection well installation job site at 100 m depth.
We are located in Fidenza (North Italy), close to our Massenza Drilling Rigs headquarters.
This drilling machine is suitable for water research, geognostic surveys, mining research and geothermal applications.
This time we see it in action with direct mud circulation drilling method.
It is a Mi8 on a crawler with the following features:
Discover all the features of this Massenza Mi8 drill rig in the video below, including the automatic rod-loading arm, which is essential to ensure fast and fully automatic operations on site.
The automatic rod-loading arm is completely radio-controlled, allowing the operator to work safely and securely in all weather conditions.
This Massenza Mi8 drill machine also featured on another job site in Fidenza, again for cathodic protection well installation at 40m: